We will be here in less than two weeks, that is less than 14 days! We're also so excited to see our families and go back to Utah for a few days! See you guys soon! Happy holidays :)
Tonight we decided to pull the wishbone from our very own first homemade Thanksgiving turkey! (thanks to the in-laws) We have been letting it dry out for over a week...and maybe we were a little too enthusiastic about it??
We broke the wishbone into three pieces! :( The middle piece went flying away. My piece was bigger though, so I guess my wish has a better chance of coming true than Jason's.
This last weekend some of us had a crazy idea to go camping...it's Tennessee, can't be too cold right? The little white specs on the sleeping bag are the ice crystals we woke up to in the morning! They were all over the tent! We didn't realize the humidity might actually cause ice...guess we weren't thinking...oops. We figured it got down to about 25 degrees...with humidity on top of it
In the morning I managed to stay warm with pajama pants on under my jeans, two jackets, a winter coat, gloves, and a beanie that never came off! Jason is a human heater, so he was fine. :) We still had fun, but maybe next year we will go earlier
Okay..so after a few months of stalking everyone elses blogs..I think it's time I put something on my own! I was told by a few pessimistic Memphians the "during the fall the leaves just turn brown, die, and fall off!" I was so sad, but, the past couple of weekends we were determined to prove them wrong. We set out on a drive to go for what people around here call a "hike"
This was just possibly the most beautiful thing we saw all day... I had to throw it in!
If you look you can see some vine things hanging from the trees...we couldn't really figure out exactly what they were...(sorry about the order of these pics, I couldn't figure out how to re-arrange them..I have much to learn in the blogging world.)
At the end of the "hike"...or really just a nice walk with a few minor elevations here and there we found this...the Mississippi! There was sand right off of it, it was just like a beach..kind of crazy!
We were very excited when we figured out the vines were stable enought that we could swing on them! This is just one of the ones that we found.
Jason....trying to look manly
I was excited to see some red on the trees..with a little bit of yellow
All in all..not too bad. I can't say it's as pretty as Logan canyon, but definitely better than just turning brown, dying, and falling off.
After we made up we managed to make a few friends and went down to Beale street. It was definitely not downtown SLC on a Friday night....we were followed by numerous bums yelling things at us we couldn't understand and I'm still feeling smoke circulating through my lungs. We did se some amazing blues bands and rode the trolley. It was pretty fun.
Homecoming gave us the opportunity to come to an end of all of our recent disagreements...round #1...Jason won
I figured out that Jason must have a lot of anger built up inside when he decided to whip around and smash me in the face...look at the joy on his face! (Jason really did feel bad, we even hugged after) round #2...needless to say, Jason won
After getting hit in the face I realized I probably wasn't going to win....so, I decided if I was going to fall of, then I was making Jason fall of with me. round #3..... I like to think I won.
Jason's school has sort of a "white coat ceremony" which really felt like a pre-graduation. It was good, but long...as you can see from the picture of the back of a man's head, the church we were in didn't allow for very many good pictures while they were walking in, I actually had an open spot to snap the picture, but he must have felt like standing just as I took it. Tom Sullivan spoke, and sang. He was born premature which caused him to go blind, but became and olympic wrestler, actor, singer/songwriter, and many other things. He sort of made us feel unproductive...but was inspiring none the less.
Well...as most of you know we were here for about almost three weeks without our stuff and it all just arrived about two weeks ago. It was kind of nice without it and we are not looking forward to moving again..but we are very excited to have things like our garbage cans, a kitchen table (although the floor was nice) , and a vaccum!
Here is a funny story that happed to go along with it all...Jason was outside mowing the lawn like a good little house owner and the neighbor came to him and said " I almost called the cops the other night because I thought I saw two black boys sitting on your kitchen floor!" Jason laughed and said "No, that was just us eating dinner!" I'm sure the neighbors are wondering about us!
We have officially moved far, far away from home after a long 25 hour drive! Jason drug me along with him so he can go to optometry school at Southern College of Optometry. We are excited to be here, but it is very different and I have a personal goal to leave in four years without ever saying ya'll...I'm going to try really hard. So far we have encountered many things like a little river in our back yard from the buckets of rain fall and of course the adventures of Beale street..during the day of course. We are getting used to life here and the humidity. I've realized I will be doing a lot more laundary after having to shower and change twice yesterday! Jason officialy starts school tomorrow and I will go back to job searching...bleh!
Our story started in Logan, UT at Utah State University. Since then life has taken us many different directions and this blog is somewhat of an attempt to document that. Hope you enjoy our little family!